
A selection of blog posts I’ve written providing updates, advice and information on important topics for dog owners, as well as a few tips and tricks of the trade!

Advice, Equipment, Safety Toby Duncan Advice, Equipment, Safety Toby Duncan

Harness vs. Collar - What’s the difference?

Ever wondered what the real benefits are of choosing to use a harness over a collar when walking your dog? Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by different options when it comes to choosing a harness and not sure were to start. Check out this post to learn all about why harnesses are great for safety and comfort, and how to choose the right one for your dog!

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Puppy, Advice Toby Duncan Puppy, Advice Toby Duncan

Puppy biting - the painful truth

Chances are, if you’re a puppy parent, there’s currently a tiny shark masquerading as a puppy hanging off your arm or trouser leg! This is the issue I get asked for help with the most, so check out my top tips of puppy biting - why it happens, how to deal with it, and some common questions answered.

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