Dog Training

“Dog training isn’t about obedience, it’s about building trust.”

— Steve Mann IMDT

What’s on offer

  • Getting a puppy and want to make sure you’re all prepared? This 40 minute session will cover everything you need to make sure that you’re as ready as possible for your new arrival. You’ll receive a handy booklet with tons of information and resources, and we’ll be able to chat about anything you’re uncertain or concerned about.

  • Want to get started on some basics right away before your puppy is ready to head outside or to classes? Or maybe you don’t have time to attend a full course, or just want help brushing up on a few skills and tricks? Whatever you’d like help with, we can focus entirely on you and your pup in these 1 hour sessions.

  • 1:1 sessions held at your home, for dogs of any age or ability. During the hour, we can work on anything you’d like help with, from core training to problem-solving, or even for help adjusting your routine to accommodate changes to lifestyle, health, or age. Make sure to book a consultation session first, and during this we’ll go over background information and come up with a training plan to suit you.

  • I’m currently running classes for both puppies and adult dogs! My puppy course ‘Perfect Pups’ runs regularly throughout the year, and you can sign up for blocks of weekly classes for your adult dog, called ‘Level Up!’. Visit the Classes page for more information on these group sessions. Group classes can provide great opportunities for socialisation (for you as well as your dog!), plus can be a more cost-effective way to get your training in. Learning with others can also be great for keeping up your motivation, so you’ll be sure to keep the momentum going and achieve your goals!

  • Advice is free. Whilst I’m often fairly busy and can’t provide detailed help without being able to get properly involved with a case, if you need some general advice or assistance, you’re welcome to get in touch and I’ll help if I can. This may mean pointing you in the direction of another practitioner or service provider who can assist you, or it may mean asking you to sign up for a proper consultation. I may be able to share some helpful resources with you, or give you some general advice. If you’re really struggling, it’s worth reaching out, particularly if you or your dog are suffering for whatever reason.

1:1 Training Sessions

  • Pre-Pup Home Session

    Looking to get everything sorted and solid before you bring your new furry family member home for the first time? In this 40 minute session, we'll cover everything you need to feel confident and prepared for your new arrival, from training and early troubleshooting to equipment and routine. You'll be able to direct the session as you please, so we can discuss whatever you'd like help or advice with.

    There’s no need to book a general Consultation prior to this session.

  • Puppy Home Session

    Want to get started on key areas of training such as sit, recall, lead walking and more, plus get ahead of those common puppy problems of jumping up, mouthing, separation anxiety, and more? Book a 1:1 Puppy Home Session now to cover all your bases, with hands-on help and advice from a qualified rewards-based trainer and expert Puppy Instructor. We can start on some training, talk trouble-shooting, and you'll get plenty of follow-on resources and guidance after each session.

    Please ensure that we’ve had either a Consultation or a Pre-Pup Home Session together before booking.

  • Consultation

    The starting point for all new clients - a 30 minute session in which I’ll gather all the information I need to put together your training plan. We’ll discuss things like schedule and goals, and will work together to figure out the best solution for you and your dog going forward, whatever the issue is that you’d like help with.

    Please make sure to book your Consultation first before booking any 1:1 sessions.

  • 1:1 Training Session

    These one-on-one sessions will look at any area of training you’d like, and will follow the training plan put together in our consultation. Together, we can tackle things like jumping up, pulling on the lead, recall, focus on you, and brush up on basic obedience skills right up to more advanced skills. This time is yours to get the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals! These sessions are suitable for dogs of all ages and owners of any level of experience.

    Please ensure that we’ve had a Consultation together before booking.

Why train with me?

  • IMDT Accredited

    Currently there is no regulation within the UK Dog Training industry, meaning that anyone can teach anything they like without needing any formal qualifications, particular experience, or suitable insurance.

    I have voluntarily chosen to spend a lot of time and money, and worked extremely hard, to become an accredited member of the IMDT (Institute of Modern Dog Trainers) in order to demonstrate that I have the training, the skillset, and the dedication to the field that I believe should be the standard for anyone wanting to train dogs.

    This qualification shows that I have been assessed to an extremely high standard by adjudicators at the IMDT in all key areas, both practical and theory-based, so you know that when you work with me, you’re getting a qualified Trainer!

  • Qualified Easy Peasy Puppy Instructor

    Following attendance of Steve Mann’s ‘Easy Peasy Puppy Instructor’ course, based on his bestselling book ‘Easy Peasy Puppy Squeezy’, I completed an additional assessment overseen by the Man(n) himself, and after passing became a qualified Easy Peasy Puppy Instructor!

    This lets you know that I’m an expert puppy instructor, and have undertaken specific training in this area to make my classes and 1:1 training with puppy owners the very best it can be! If you’ve ever had a look at the EPPS book, you’ll know it’s a pretty brilliant resource, and this study and assessment has equipped me with the same high level of knowledge and understanding.

    Easy Peasy Puppy Instructors have the Steve Mann and IMDT seal of approval!

  • No Force, No Fear

    I’m not interested in training using aversive methods; fear, force, and corrective equipment have no place in my practice. I feel that dog training should be something we do with our dogs, not to our dogs. It’s an opportunity to strengthen the bond between you, to build trust and communication, and to get you and your dog working together as a team towards goals that are beneficial to both parties. Intimidation, physical discomfort, and even sometimes pain, are methods unfortunately still practiced and advocated for by far too many trainers, and so choosing a trainer who actively works against this type of practice is important for the comfort and safety of your dog.

    If you’d like to chat with me more about ethics, methods of training, definitions, or if you have any questions at all about these subjects or simply wish to know more about how force-free training works, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’m not here to pass judgement for past methods employed by yourself or other trainers, so please don’t worry if this does apply to you - my main goal is to help you and your dog going forward, and to assist you both in living comfortable, happy lives together.

Examples from Previous Clients

Milo’s awesome loose lead walking!

Here’s gorgeous Milo after four 1:1 sessions focusing on loose lead walking. Prior to training, Milo’s owner was feeling very frustrated and overwhelmed by his constant pulling when on the lead, and his size in particular made it difficult to manage and maintain safety in certain situations.

It took just 4 weeks of work to go from crazy pulling to calm walking, as can be seen in the video here, taken on a practise walk with me in week 5. There’s still some work to be done, but Milo and his owner are already so much happier with lead walking! Pulling on the lead is a super common issue, and one that can really easily be worked on, all with positive reinforcement methods only of course.

Cindy’s Personal Puppy School!

Here’s Cindy after a great 1:1 session, all tired out and happily relaxing in her crate (something we conditioned right at the start of our time together!). Cindy’s owners have busy schedules, and couldn’t fit in regular evening puppy classes. However, they had a lot of things they wanted to work on with her, and so I’ve been able to work with their schedules on a weekly basis to come in and deliver a jam-packed 1:1 session that gets us all working hard on at least 2-3 behaviours each week. This has been a great option for them in terms of timing, but also for getting a highly personalised service - I’ve tailored the sessions entirely to their lifestyle, wants and needs for Cindy, and can go completely at her pace, evaluating and adapting each week to suit everybody. If you’re in a similar boat, this might be an option to consider for getting in that crucial foundational training for your puppy, plus a ton of important information that would normally be covered in group classes, but instead in the relaxed home environment, and with my full focus and attention.